Sunday, March 30, 2008

2 years

Happy 2 years Finn ^^ xXxXxXx

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Letter Meme - the Letter T

This was given to me by my dad; I have to tell you ten things I love that begin with the letter T, they'll be in no particular order since I am thinking these up on the spot.

1.) Tea
Yes, well. I am British.
Tea is such a good, all round drink. It's comforting when you come in from a horrible day, demonstrates your thoughtfulness when consoling a friend or family member, warming when the heating doesn't work, refreshing drunk cold with lemon. It's lovely with a piece of cake, or a few biscuits, or even great brewed strong with lots of sugar and milk. The smell of tea leaves has to be one of my favourite smells of all time. I drink my tea in many different ways depending on my mood - I know pretty much everyone else has one particular style they take their tea, and will swear by it. I guess that's why I'm so difficult to make tea for :D

2.) Thirteen
Unlucky for some, thirteen is an interesting number for me. It happens to be the number of my first house (rented, but still, my first house!) and I'm wholly looking forward to living there next year with three of my closest friends from Uni; Cat, Andrew and Karen.

The hamster will have to go though.

3.) Thinking
I love thinking, I just wish the internet didn't dull my brain so much. It's true, I can feel it turning my mind into a vegetable whenever I'm not on it. Perhaps I should cut down.
I do an awful lot of thinking, perhaps disproportionately to the amount of living but I think it's an important process to go through before undertaking any action. Making a phonecall? I like to have the conversation rehearsed a good five or six times in my mind before I dial.
Thinking isn't just limited to every day stuff. I also find myself wondering about everything I see; why is that like this, how is this managing to do that. Sometimes I wish some people would stop and think before opening their mouths. Less words would be wasted that way, and the world would be a better place.

4.) T'internet

Total cheat, but how could I not include this? Like most young people of my generation, I love the internet, much to the dispair of my parents (or perhaps just one, I don't know). The majority of my free time is spent on the internet, browsing, socialising, playing games, running communities. The only thing I find frustrating about the internet is the fact that you can't trust what you read on it. Otherwise it would be an absolute goldmine of information.

5.) Thankyou
This just refers to compliments in general. I love giving people compliments and thanking them, and making them feel appreciated. I once heard that it takes someone seven compliments to get over an insult. Gosh - and by the rate compliments are dished out (I mean, genuine, well thought out compliments), no wonder everyone walks around with a frown on their face, or has such a negative self-image of themselves. Making people feel like they're worth something is one of the most important things you can do - I think if more young people were appreciated by their parents, peers, teachers etc, we wouldn't be seeing such high suicide rates.

6.) Trinkets
I'm a total hoarder. I get attatched to inanimate objects and I don't like change. What can I say? I'm a Capricorn - I have a love of material items as petty as that sounds. A pretty necklace, a new candle or incense burner, a new plant to add to my collection. Little gifts that were bought with an idea as to how they compliment my personality I adore; it tells me people listen to what I say and know me. They don't have to be expensive, either.

7.) Trees
Argh. I almost forgot to include this. Yes, I'm a complete hippy - I love trees. And not all this 'global warming CO2 footprint, carbon negative plant more trees' rubbish.
I'm not a big fan of plants, and I have little respect for botanists. For one, plants don't do much, they sit there an photosynthesise, respire, pump ion...s (haha), and grow. Occasionally reproduce. Ok, well they live, but they're no as interesting to me, as animals. But trees are like the whales of the plant family, especially those that live in the rainforests and grow to 60m tall and 10m wide. Christ, you have to have some respect for an organism that big. I mean, some of them live to over 4000 years old. That's older than Christianity. :B

'sides, if you're feeling lonely, and nobody is around, give one a hug. They're surprisingly fun to hug. Woods are awesome places to walk, too.

8.) Thumb
mmm, my left thumb is looking rather appealing as I write this. (Joking). I used to suck my thumb, avidly. All the time. When my parents left the room, in it would go. At bedtime, in it would go. Even when my dear old Grandad told me that if I kept on doing it, I would suck it away, I continued (although, I would take it out occasionally and measure it against my right to make sure it wasn't shrinking). Braces were what eventually persuaded me to stop, and since then it hasn't gone back in.

9.) Tickling
As much as I protest, I love being tickled. Ribs, knees, armpits. I'm pretty much ticklish everywhere, and there isn't something more fun than being tickled. It's a shame people think I'm too old for that kind of behaviour now.

10.) Toast
Toast is another thing that goes well with tea, but unlike tea, I have to have mine in particular ways. I usually have my toast with just butter on it, but the butter has to be melted. If I have marmalade, it has to be a thin scraping with copious amounts of butter. If I have marmite, the marmite again, has to be a thin scraping. There's nothing much else I like on toast, aside from the occasional spreading of peanut butter. In general, I love toast.