Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Playing Catchup

Well, I promised myself I wouldn't post in here until I finished the massive blog post I had done for Greece. In retrospect that was a stupid thing to do, because I grew bored of writing that and I've stopped writing in here. Silly me.

A lot has happened since; namely little things that I will try to remember here. In my mind, four things stick out as me remembering at the time 'oh yeah, I should really blog about this' so here goes;

1.) Chris left
Yes, despite my warnings to at least be a little more careful about where he stored his weed, Chris has indeed been kicked out of Allen Hall. He was really bitter about it, and everyone was sad to see him go since he was well liked, but it was his own fault. I had no qualms about him smoking, it's his funeral after all, but choosing to smoke it inside when he'd already been caught twice was stupid. I still see him from time to time, but whatever. I had few friends in halls anyway, so it really makes little difference he is no longer here.

2.) I got lost on a bus
Sounds like an amazing story, and you may skip to number three if you should so desire. Anyway, after a meeting concerning my Greece project writeup, I decided to go into town for some clothes. So, waiting at the bus stop, I caught the 142; the guaranteed direct route into Piccadilly Gardens. At least, this was what I thought - I'd caught this bus into town a multitude of times and it had always gone the same way. Except for today.
As it headed towards the library, it suddenly veered off down this side road I'd never seen before, and stopped at a stop where everyone began to get off. I wasn't too worried at this point, because we weren't that far away from my destination, and I figured the bus would carry on straight and turn back up into Piccadilly. Wrong.
As the bus continued I had this horrible feeling that I was getting further and further away from the centre of Manchester. Yet I still believed, even at that point, that we were going to wind up going full circle. I think perhaps the lack of people being picked up along the way might have given me a clue as to our real destination.
The Depot.
Figuring that the bus driver probably hadn't seen me since he would have told me to get off at what had been the last stop, I pretended I had 'fallen asleep' and I got a free ride back. I was lucky in that respect, but not lucky in that I'd wasted 45 minutes exploring the depths of Chorlton while doing it. Ah well.

3.) The Snip
Yep. Been thinking about this for quite some time, tomorrow is when I get the 'snip'. (No, not -that- snip you fools.). I'm getting my hair cut. Short. Very short. Think Natalie Portman short. (: it's going to be wicked.

4.) Doctor Who
Yes, after the agonising wait, the series has finally come back. Same Doctor, new (and for the most part annoying) companion Donna. And while I'm happy to see it back, there are a couple of things that really grate every time I watch it.
- David Tennant. He'd have to be number one on my list, because I have no idea why he's suddenly doing the pirahna teeth and the manic eyes all the time. It's like he's been posessed by the same thing that got Rose in the (new) series 2. I mean, I think so far he's been a pretty good Doctor as Doctor's go, but what happened in this series I do not know. I'll be sad to see him (eventually) leave the franchise as I am with all the Doctors, or indeed Time Lords. Even so I'll welcome the change so long as they get someone completely different into the role. Unfortunately I can see them casting someone similar to Tennant (as in, personality wise), and that'll really annoy the heck out of me. New Doctor, New face, New personality. Please.
- The new theme tune. Don't like it much. It's kind of cool, but the random electric guitar riff? WTF.
- Donna. Oh I'm so on the edge with this one. Even moreso than Maaartaah. See, I liked Martah in the beginning, but then I disliked her. So far with Donna it's been Like, Dislike, Unsure, Like (as far as the episodes go). She's funny, which makes a change from a female fawning over the Doctor (which annoys the hell out of me). But she's also shouty (it gets boring). I like her compassion, but I don't like her accent. Why is it that so far, all the new series companions (bar Cpt.Jack, which is probably one reason I like him as a character), have had London accents? Hellooo England does not revolve around London! Get a companion from 'up north please :(

Aah they do say 'who fans complain about things an awful lot, always never quite happy with what they've been given. Last week's episode was the best so far, with the others being a little substandard. What do I know, I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy the series finale.