Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sir David.

The MAN.

I went to the Trafford Centre today as Sir. David Attenborough was doing book signings of his latest book - "Life in Cold Blood"

This of course is his last series, so basically he's done it all. I have to admit that his programmes have always been one of the highlights of both my TV viewings and of my knowledge on the animal (and plant) world. I suppose his series over the years have made me go off and read more about some of the more obscure animals out there, and I'm pretty certain had it not been for him I would not know as much about animals as I do today. I probably wouldn't be studying zoology, either.

We went to the Trafford Centre straight after our 1.00 lecture. He was due for the signings between 6pm and 7.30pm, so we knew we were in for a long wait. We didn't mind though; this was David Attenborough after all - as I put it, he is the God of Zoology.

So we fell into the queue. Some of the group had got there before us and were in the little roped off area. We got shunted to wait up a flight of stairs, but as the queue grew we were glad we came as early as we did; it was MASSIVE.

The wait didn't feel long, and the only hitch came when we were informed we had to have a reciept of purchase with us to get the book signed. Bummer - most of us had gotten them for xmas, and therefore didn't have their little 'reciepts'. So deciding to foil there stupid money making scheme we went and bought books just to get reciepts, but we're all returning them over the next couple of days =]

I spotted Sir.David going to sit down first, and sort of made this small squeal to alert the rest of the crew, for the next twenty minutes or so gawking at him. I kind of feel sorry for the man, being so old I can't imagine he has much energy left, and to have all these people bothering him must be exhausting. Still, it's his fault for being so awesome.

Finally, it was our turn. While we all went up individually to get a signing, we had asked to get a group photo done at the end. Anyway, I handed him my book. The conversation wasn't much, but to be honest I was more in awe of just who I was standing next to. It went something like this;

"Hello Natalie, how are you?" (I had a tag in my book with my name on - WHS policy)
"Very excited to meet you."
"Good. Here you are."

And then he gave me a really genuine look with a smile.

"Thankyou very much."

And then we took the group photo. I'm sure all photos will appear on Facebook sooner or later. (:


carl said...

so how long were you waiting then?
i was going to get a book signed but when i saw the queue i didnt bother!!!

Schnappi said...

I waited about erm... 3 hours?