Friday, May 04, 2007

Friday Five

Borrowed shamelessly from my Dad's journal :D

1. Turn your head to the right -- what do you see?
The view out of the office window, my sister, the rest of the office...

2. Stand-up -- do you like how tall you are?
I guess, I'm pretty much a short ass but it's never really bothered me. Apart from when people point it out, then I wonder what the big deal is. I think I'm a lot taller than I actually am. :)

3. Do you believe in heaven or hell?
I'd like to believe Heaven was real, but I'm a scientist and rather sceptical so I'd like to see some proof before I make my mind up.

4. What is your favourite piece of jewellery?
That's a tough one, actually. My dad bought me a silver dragon/wyvern necklace from Rhodos when we went there two summers ago, and I adore it so much - I have no outfit to wear it with though (without looking like a hardcore goth) so I'm confined to simply looking at it wistfully and secretly putting it on in my room. ^^
I also have a pentacle necklace from my best friends Nathalie and Leah from a few xmasses ago, which has a beautiful moonstone in it ( ... I haven't the faintest idea where this necklace is actually) but still... it's so pretty. I think I might have lost that one though :/
And I also have a celtic tree rune necklace which probably cost like £3 or something that my mum bought for me when we were in Wales, but I wear it nearly everyday and I really like it even though it's probably plastic and it's not particually pretty.

So all my faveourite pieces of jewellery I usually get funny snide comments for wearing (especially the pentacle, that caused uproar among the xians) but I can't decide between those three because they all mean a lot to me.

5. What is the last thing you took from someone else?
Erm... :B I don't take things, I ask for them, or I'm given them.

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