Monday, July 23, 2007

PatterKillers (8 (day one)

Yay! We went to pick up my caterpillars today from the post office. Apparently I got the 'big set' which means I get two tubs with 5 caterpillars in each. They weren't moving at first but now one or two wriggle around periodically and start feeding on the creamy goo stuff they've got at the bottom of the pot. It's a bit gross but it's mesmerising to watch them.

One pot has caterpillars that are bigger and beefier, in the second pot I think two are dead. There's a really -really- tiny one in the middle of the pot that hasn't made an indent in the food and hasn't made itself a home from web (like the others have) and there's a weird one that's crawled part way up the side and hasn't moved yet. It's all pale compared to the others and doesn't have any spikes (this one also automatically made me think FAIL)

I do have a faveourite. In the beefy pot lot there's one that ventured out of the web home for a bit and started munching away in pastures anew. I like that one, it's not so much a wimp. ;D

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter 7

Well, don't wanna know don't read for a start. But I have to write this somewhere.

Oh my god it was fucking AWESOME.
I read it in 7 hours, and I still haven't gone to sleep (8 I can't, too much adrenaline and caffiene in my system. After the inital adrenaline from finishing the book (and only one cup of tea), I have had 2 cups of coffee this morning. lol.

Anywho, my thoughts and feelings overall? Well, I thought the beginning and end were amazing, JK included so much cool stuff, so many answers to the burning questions I'm sure many fans will have had after book 6. The middle? Not so hot, but she kept it interesting for me so I'm not complaining - I think reading about the trio being stuck in a tent for most of it, at like 3am just got a bit dull after a while.

Deaths. So many D: I wanted to cry at most of them, but I held back the tears until Fred died, not because it was specifically him, just because at that point it was getting to me how many characters were gone. Hedwig made me very sad indeed, I was pissed off when she just glossed over Remus + Tonks dying, but I think perhaps it was for the best. Remus was JK's faveourite afterall and I bet that was hard for her to write.

Mind you, I had had it spoiled slightly for me when a friend of mine told me a number alluding to the amount of people who die. I'm guessing she was referring to main characters, because more than 12 people died overall, I made a list and everything afterwards just to see if she was right.

1) That Muggle Studies teacher
2) Hedwig
3) Rufus Scrimgeour
4) Dobby
5) Peter Pettigrew
6) Remus
7) Tonks
8) Fred
9) Moldyshorts... I mean Voldemort
10) Ted Tonks
11) Snape
12) Bellatrix
13) Fenrir Greyback
14) Mad Eye Moody

So I'm guessing she didn't count the muggle studies teacher and Ted

Also, I loved how we were told people's patronuses, I loved the chapter on Snape, Lily and Petunia, I loved the part where Lupin threw a tantrum (not sure I'm keen on the name of his kid though... Teddy wtf that's a stupid name)

Although I liked the epilogue, it was confusing with all the names like Albus Severus, Lily and James. I loved how she wrote in Harry's memories from the previous books.

last thought - is snape an animagus w/the whole bat thing? o_O

Monday, July 02, 2007

Moar timelordz plzkthx.

Daw, well on one note I've finished my exams. No more formal education ever, or indeed, education of any kind until September when I will hopefully be going to Manchester Uni. (Fingers crossed)


On another note, Dr.Who (revived) series 3 finished on Saturday. And this is probably going to encompass how I feel about it all.

Ok, I'm always sad when a series finishes, but is it just me or has this one been particually good? I think it was up to par with the first definately, series two just didn't make the mark, but this one.... I liked it. When I look at DT now onscreen I think, 'yeah, he's the Doctor.' It's taken me a while, moreso than it had done with CE, because I think he didn't know how exactly he wanted to play him. I hated the thing he had going on with the happy! angry! happy again! Every three minutes. This series he seemed to have calmed down a little and begun to behave as the Doctor should, everything in moderation.

Also, I'm glad they finally ditched Rose. Don't get me wrong, I loved her when she was companion to the 9th, but then it all went horribly wrong. It was a good move to bring in Martha, even though I thought origionally I would hate her, afterall, I find I'm mostly indifferent, but I kind of like her. (I also origionally said I would hate DT for a long time, so I think I'm only making a fuss when I say things like that... although it did take me a series and a half to get used to emodoctah and his gravity defying hair...)

I think it was the last couple episodes that really made me feel as though this series rocked. Though.