Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fraturday Five

1. What do you need?

More hours in the day if I could choose something. But of everything I could give up or live without, (emotionally, not physically) I don't think I could give up the special people in my life, 'cos y'know. That's why they're special.

2. What won't you share?

Other people's secrets. If someone's told me something in confidence, I think it's the worst thing to go blabbing to other people.

3. What do you hurry through?

My educational work. Perhaps I should rephrase that and say 'I do my work as quickly yet efficiently as possible'.

4. Who is worth waiting for?

It depends how good their reason for being late is. Generally speaking, the people who I'm closest to I'm more likely to forgive if something goes awry. Not always though, some people let me down time and time again.

5. Friday fill-in: I can't bear to ______.

Hurt someone's feelings.

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