Thursday, January 03, 2008

Roleplaying peeves

I felt I had to rant about this, because, well... it both annoys me and is a source of amusement for me. At the same time, I notice things which are always the same no matter which site you're asked to join, and clichés within each genre. In short, I wanted to note them down. I guess it's sort of mean poking fun at people, but >D I'm in a vindictive mood today. I'm not normally this mean.

General -

1.) People use an excessive amount of • {{ ;; xx Xx xX [[ and _ in their topic titles, and in their relationship threads. Random words will be in CAPS and sometimes they will r a n d o m l y seperated by a s p a c e, sometimes names, and words at the beginning of sentances won't be capitalised For example;


oh yeah, and most titles of the topics/relationship threads contain Panic!at the disco lyrics. Or some other song lyrics. Which barely hold a tie to the subject of the thread in the first place.

And they'll always write something like this;

"She has long blonde hair && blue eyes;;"

I mean, what the hell is with the two &'s? Why do we get treated to a double semi-colon? What has happened to the word 'and' ? I always end up reading things like that as
"She has long blonde hair and and blue eyes semi-colon semi-colon."
I don't usually read punctuation out loud in my head, but the presence of unnecessary things like that draw my attention to it. Also, having 'and and' in the middle of something always makes me read it in this timid, unsure voice... or it sounds like a five year old;

"And then I went on the firetruck and and it was red!"

Lets not forget using >> as bullet points. WTF.

Here I have compiled a list of topic titles, just to show you what I mean. No, they're not made up. They're courtesy of {b u r n i n g} bridges; {b r e a k i n g} hearts.

.dying to live {again,
[BORN] to be [WILD]
{__ s u n d a y morning


2.) Hair. I'm tired of seeing people apply to sites having;

red hair
black hair
blonde hair

wtf - what happened to brown? =(
The best was 'blonde with brown highlights'. Um... how can a darker colour be called a highlight? And it's never 'ginger', it's red. Cherry red mostly, never 'gingery ginger'. Haha black... only asian people have naturally black hair. And for some reason, witches and wizards. Oh yes, and it's always long and straight and perfect. xD

oh yeah and people are either always

Blonde/blue eyed
Red/green eyed. (like Lily Potter?)
Black/ green eyed. (like Harry Potter?)

Brown eyes? Grey eyes? Hazel eyes? =(

Harry Potter -

I thought I'd start with arguably the largest topic, since it was the topic of the first site I ever joined. (R.I.P X_Hog). There are things you see time and time again on Harry Potter sites, be they set in the Marauders Era, or Present... or even *shudder* Future.

1.) The admin of the site will almost always be playing Hermione Granger (Present) or Lily Evans (Marauders Era).
2.) The person who applies as Snape with almost always pick a 'play by' (person who represents their character on avatars/signature banners etc), who is far too good looking. (I'm rather guilty of this myself ... ¬¬). But I mean... they pick people like this;

I mean... how the chuff does that even look remotely like Snape? 0_o

3.) People who set their patronus to a 'black wolf'. Ok, wolf... cliché, but if you haven't got a better imagination fine. But how can a patronus be black? Patroni are silver, ghostly apparitions? Same goes for 'large cats'. Tigers, Lions, Cheetahs... boring, overused. I once had someone able to produce a flamingo patronus. :D

4.) Setting their mirror of erised vision to 'seeing the whole world at peace and their family standing around them'... when their family is still alive, I fail to see how this can be their characters deepest desire. Also, why is the mirror always showing something -nice-, like... why can't the person be dreaming they were filthy rich, or... something like that.

5.) Remus applications are the most boring things on the planet to read. In fact, Lupin in general, in roleplay has like... lol, no personality.

6.) HP sites always have a ridiculous amount of text formatting in their application forms and rules. I.E. you MUST set the title of your application to like

SURNAME, forename

register with surname forename (no capitals, otherwise you die.)

DO NOT CHANGE THE LAYOUT OF THE FORM OTHERWISE YOU DIE. and don't get accepted. Lol and they always have gay headings like;

gender (why isn't the name indicative of the gender? We all know Harry Potter is male : )

etc you get the idea... and all the little scene kids are like 'lololol so clever you made it like a cake lololol!' oh yeah, I wrote that out wrong;

The• I N G R E D I E N T S;;

perhaps it's trying to make it pretty, I don't know. To me it just looks stupid.

Because of the above, these sorts of sites spend about a month creating them, only to have them last about two weeks. Nobody joins because their application gets turned down for the fact that 'they didn't make it look pretty'. So... they don't care that the person was a seriously good writer.

7.) Urgh. When admins can't be bothered to fill in an application form for themselves, it's so unfair to the people who want to join. Or they don't do a good job of it and can't even be bothered to shove in a sample of their roleplay. I mean, how can you claim your site is 'literate/advanced' when you can't do that?

eh. I'm going to make another post explaining what roleplaying is

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