Sunday, March 21, 2010

Breaking news! Or not

I hate that feeling of knowing something that other people don't, just as much as I hate not knowing something that they do. Exclusivity isn't a state I'm comfortable with at all and neither is superiority, but this afternoon I had a run in with such a situation and it was everything I could do to not come across as an overbearing know-it-all. I mean, I have always been the kind of person to question everything and while this is good in some contexts, it means that I'm predisposed to picking things apart worse than a crow at a carcass. Unfortunately this aspect of my personality is something that university has only compounded.

Anyway, I digress - the incident I'm blogging about happened over MSN, when a good friend of mine literally sprang online in an excited frenzy to tell me that Bowie was releasing a new album. The conversation went something like this;

"Oh my god, Nat - you'll never believe this. I've just finished watching an interview with David Bowie on the TV and apparently he's releasing a new album this year! It was with techno music though, it sounded really different..."

So like, I hate to be a cynic but I was having difficulty in believing this considering the man's kind of stuffed the music business for the last six or seven years save for that DVD release he did recently of his last tour or something along those lines. Plus, when she mentioned techno my first thoughts were 'but he's already done that' - I mean, why would he do another album in the same style (it's Bowie...) and why would he do an album in a style that people didn't really like?

"Are you sure this is a recent album? It sounds kinda like Earthling..."
"No I swear, he was going to release it this year, he said"
"Oh right. What's the album called?"
"I can't remember the name of it - but I remember what the album cover looked like; it was him in a union jack outfit, backed by english countryside."

And uh, I don't know about you, but; this kind of sums up my mental image. So me being me, I showed her that and we came to the conclusion she must have been watching some pre-recorded old interview on sky tv, which she was.

Shame, there was a millisecond where I was really excited.

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