Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New look, new leaf

Alright, so I've been neglecting this blog horribly, attempted to start again with LJ, never posted a single entry into it. So I'll come back here and start documenting my life again. TBH, there's too much to write down all in one post and I need a pee but let's just summarise by saying I'm single, I'm bored and jaded with my university course, I'm not sure if I'm mentally stable but on the plus side I've never been happier and freer, and I picked up my guitar for the first time in two years a few weeks ago and play for about four hours on average every night. My house mates must be so sick of hearing me mash out the same old chords, but I guess they never knew I loved the guitar so much :)

In the words of one of my favourite characters, Otis;

Tschüß and all that

1 comment:

Digger said...

University courses were made to get jaded with, and in another couple of months it will be over. Do what makes you happy :o)

(Heavily caveated Life Advice[tm] from someone who's never all that sure he's mentally stable, either. Just what you wanted O_O)