Tuesday, May 18, 2010

PMT rant

I'd like to say I've gone raging feminist, but I'm even raging against the feminists right now. In the space of the last 24hours I think I've gotten annoyed at;

- The toss pots kicking the football about outside. All day.
- James Nobles wants to add me as a 'friend' on facebook. Douche.
- That film "the human centipede" sorry, but it's depraved and disgusting.
- Vegans.
- The flies that come into my room through cracks in the walls.
- The pelage that's formed a near beard on my jaw.
- the spots on the right hand side of my face that won't clear up
- the breadstick that fell on the floor and broke
- Feminists
- Lesbians
- Homophobic people
- The stray bit of skin on my burn that I pulled and made my finger bleed
- The people who drive by blasting their crap music into the street
- Relationships.
- How my room wouldn't stop smelling like Earl Grey after that one cup

Like, the last thing, it's a really nice smell, but it got on my nerves? I hate PMT, I really do. I hate how it comes on mid-cycle, too. It's like I got a week of feeling like crap emotionally, then a week of feeling like crap physically. I also promised myself this blog would be used for happy things. But idk, I guess that's what my tumblr is for.

And Relationships; I got to thinking about those again today. About how you have to compromise yourself for another person and then there's always that possibility they're not going to reciprocate which makes you feel like crap, but you never want to not compromise for them because it makes you a bitch? How men are always like "lul sexytimes now plz?" and how if the woman doesn't give him that, he'll go a'wandering. WTF. I think I pretty much hate sex. Not the thought of it, but the physical act of it - all it does is gives the man something he can get by jacking off anyway, while you get that small fear in the pit of your stomach, even when you've been safe of "oh, what if my period doesn't come. What if I get pregnant?" And then it's like "oh I'm so happy my uterus is forcing it's way out through my cervix! 8D"

I once worried myself so hard my period came a whole week later than it should have done. And you know what? There was absolutely no possible way I could have been. I was just paranoid.

Sometimes I wish I was a man.

I hate how much of a man-hating feminist I can be sometimes. It makes me feel like a dyke.

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