Thursday, August 16, 2007


I think it's only fitting that I myself write an honourary post in memory of my sister's cat Twig. I feel it would be dishonourable to do any different, although I could write about my results, this should come first.

Of course it's different writing from the perspective of, quite literally, the outsider. But I know how heartwrenchingly painful it is to lose a pet you loved so dearly. Even though he was not my cat I was still deeply saddened by his loss; he was one of a kind.

Never have I known such an amiable, laid back personality. He even retained that love of play that so many cats lose, and he had no fear - not even when terrorised by a six week old jack russell puppy. He just went with it and played with her.

It's going to be hard for my sister; wounds of this sort only ease with time. Twig will be sorely missed, and it is cruel that he was taken from Blythe years before his time.

Results :D


A in Biology and Chemistry, C in physics (2 marks of a B). C in General Cruddies.

I'm going to Manchester :D!

Saturday, August 11, 2007


We went to Chester today - one just for a day out, and two because the Chester and North Wales catshow was on. It was great, and perfect weather for such an occasion. We walked round the old walls of the city (known as the Chester wall walk), and had an icecream by the river while we watched the ducks and seagulls and stuff. (I was tempted to have a stem ginger icecream but in the end opted for chocolate).

The catshow itself brought back memories I can tell you, the smell of the place was one thing. Hot, vaguely cat weey and fur smell. Although I was sort of dissapointed we didn't see much else apart from siamese and persians. Then again you can take it as read that the majority of cats shown at these things fall into one of those two categories. Still, there was some other very pretty things there, and some very friendly ones. It always annoys me because you're not allowed to stroke them (and it's hard keeping your hands to yourself!) but you wouldn't want to spread some sort of disease and it's just politeness really. I mean, if I was showing my cats I wouldn't want the general public poking and prodding at them endlessly.

Still. There were a few cats/kittens there I would have -gladly- snuck off with ;3

Friday, August 10, 2007

And then they were gone

The butterflies flew the nest today. Since the last two chrysalises hatched this morning I decided, since it was nice and sunny, that I really should let them go.

So here are some pictures =D

Pretty, aren't they?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Flutterbyes =D!

5 hatched so far, looks like there might be three more to come. I saw most of them actually hatch, and now they're just sort of sitting there wafting their wings and crawling about. Quite pretty really - pictures coming soon