Thursday, August 16, 2007


I think it's only fitting that I myself write an honourary post in memory of my sister's cat Twig. I feel it would be dishonourable to do any different, although I could write about my results, this should come first.

Of course it's different writing from the perspective of, quite literally, the outsider. But I know how heartwrenchingly painful it is to lose a pet you loved so dearly. Even though he was not my cat I was still deeply saddened by his loss; he was one of a kind.

Never have I known such an amiable, laid back personality. He even retained that love of play that so many cats lose, and he had no fear - not even when terrorised by a six week old jack russell puppy. He just went with it and played with her.

It's going to be hard for my sister; wounds of this sort only ease with time. Twig will be sorely missed, and it is cruel that he was taken from Blythe years before his time.

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