Thursday, September 20, 2007

1. Butterbeer or pumpkin juice?

Butterbeer. It sounds so tasty - I imagine it tasting sort of like what you get when you have pancakes and syrup and butter all melted together.

2. What House would you most likely (or want to) be in in Hogwarts?

I think (personally) I'm a Ravenclaw, but most likely I'd be in Hufflepuff :

sorry but that house is so lameass.

3. If you were an animagus, what animal would you turn into?

Hmm... do we have control over animagus forms? I'd probably be something utterly useless like a flamingo. I'd quite like to be a civet, because they are my all time faveourite animals.

Random thought - what if someone's animagus form was a fish? D:

4. What character do you empathize with, or resemble best?

Empathise? Snape totally xD I know what it's like to be ganged up on and bullied like that ... man. Except I didn't become all twisted and bitter about it, I sort of got on with my life. Snape's such a looser but you've gotta love him for it. I mean, his patronus was a doe for crying out loud, that's like he was admitting he knew that Lily was destined for James.

5. What position do you play at Quidditch?

Erm... I'd probably such at Quidditch just like any other sport. But being a beater sounds quite good - I remember being ok at rounders so it's just like that really isn't it?

6. Which teacher is your favorite?

Aww man, there's about four I think are just so awesome. McGonnagol pwns major ass, Quirrel is like... xD awesome and Remus well, he's really cool until he loses said coolness.

7. Any Harry Potter 7 predictions?

I predicted the marauders would die in the reverse order their names appear on the marauders map. For some reason I've always thought this and I don't know why.

I knew that Snape was good - sorry, just too obvious I'm afraid

I didn't think Harry was a Horcrux because it sounded so lame and contrived, but I could understand the reasoning behind it and kinda anticipated that one.

Blah. I thought Hagger was going to die too.

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