Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Strange happenings on 9/11

Ok, perhaps it was 'just one of those days'. But this has to be one of the strangest things I've ever seen on a public bus before, possibly rivalling the sparkly lady. (Don't ask)

I had a driving lesson today. I have one every Tuesday, but I have to catch the bus into town especially for it. Mad I know; it completely defeats the point (or maybe emphasises it?) of learning to drive. But my driving instructor refuses to come out to pick me up because I live too far away. Anyway, this isn't the interesting point of the story.

Around 1/3 of my journey, between the hospital and thongsbridge, I heard a loud voice exclaim


Of course, I looked up from my metro to see exactly who was making said noise, and why they had not simply pressed the bell like anyone else would. Then again, the sight that greeted me was far from ordinary.

It was a man dressed in an impeccable black two-piece suit, complete with crisp white shirt, black tie and black shades. While this might not have been unusual in itself, when the bus finally stopped, he got stiffly to his feet and walked to the doors in a manner I can only describe as 'mechanical' (seriously, almost exactly how you would imagine a robot to walk). When he reached the doors he stood there for around thirty seconds, before shuffling forwards millimetre by millimetre, again mechanically stepping down from the bus onto the pavement, and carrying on down the road; still walking in that funny way.

First thing that came into my mind?

The matrix has you.

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