Monday, January 28, 2008

Girl Gamer

I was reading a thread on a gaming forum today, and I came across the following quotes:

"Girls only game because they want to attract guys"

"they're always 'hit too many branches on the way down from the tree of life' types. Either that or they're the 'younger generation' i.e. twelve year olds"

"They only play 'final fantasy' or 'kingdom hearts'."

"Playing one game does not a gamer make."

Um... excuse me?

Ok, perhaps I'm a little defensive. Of all the girl gamers I know... which is.... five, four of them only play final fantasy, kingdom hearts, and occasionally games with 'hot anime guys' in them. (I.e. Soul Calibur because of *swoon* Sigfried). Or at least, those are the only games they talk about, and more to the point they're the only games they seem to think exist.

Oh... they play the Sims I guess.

Trying to strike up a conversation with them about any games always results in them drifting off into swathes of

'ooooh Cloud! oooh Sephiroth'

And people can't understand why I hate final fantasy...

Anyway, I'm drifting off topic a little. I also want to make the point that I continued reading that thread, hoping that someone would come to our defence and put forward that there are some of us who aren't complete ogers... but nobody did.

I began thinking - am I the only girl who plays stuff like AoE?

Alright, I'm not great at many 'boy games' such as FPS's, Finn laughs at me when I play because I spend ages hiding around corners, then freak out when my sneaky plan is ruined and some dude chucks a grenade down at me. But I have good aim... I play a good Stranger's Wrath ... perhaps it's because I'm not very experienced at playing the sorts of games Finn does... idk D: FPS's are fun, but they scare me.

Racing games are... boring for me. I can get quite good with practice, but pretty soon the track just becomes a series of knowing the little shortcuts and knowing where to get the boost/powerup or slide this way etc etc... very tedious when the competition's not very good.

Ok, I absolutely love Age of Empires and games like it. I always have; games like that (the acronym doesn't spring to mind right now) are really satisfying to play.

I love building little towns ok? :c

I also love Platformers, Beat 'em ups and of course, RPG's (excluding anything remotely 'anime' urgh...). Ok well I was sort of a fan of Phantasy Star... Phan? :V

So am I an anomaly to the general consensus? I certainly don't play games to 'attract guys'. I've been gaming all my life, I don't tell people I game because they might shun me, and ok... I have my 'ugly' days as any girl would, but I'm not a complete troll... am I?


Mary said...

Hey, I hope you weren't directing that girly-girly '4 out of 5 gamers' at me were you? Nah, just kidding!

I did used to be like that - but like you said, it was because I didn't know any other games. Final Fantasy was the first ps game I ever played, and I guess I stayed along because I liked the stories. Until the stories became pretty rubbish in themselves. Now it's just a big franchise with sequel after sequel - just how many do we need after FF7??? If I have to hear about Advent Children one more time I will scream. So I just don't really bother with FF anymore.

Plus I do like KH, but it isn't my favourite game. Not by a long shot. Sims bores me to death - I tried to get into it (kind of like anime to be honest), but the interest died. I just felt that making someone eat something, then go to the toilet gets a bit repetitive and boring. I guess I grew out of them by the time I was 16.

I remember exploring different games when I finally got my PS2 (instead of stealing my neighbour's all the time - and all he owned was FF). I do like a good RPG when it doesn't involve anime, but I also found I loved shoot-ups, horror and racing games. I'm proud of the wide range of genres I can play - because it takes these theories of men being the main gamers and adds a new twist - women can play too.

Men will always be the 'dominant players' because it fits the stereotype of a gamer. But I wish people realised that women can kill a zombie in Resident Evil just as easily as any man. It's just pressing buttons at the end of the day, isn't it?

However now, I don't really play anything anymore. Bit of an anti-climax after all that, don't you think?

- Cas x

Blythe said...

If its your way to have fun, go do it.

Lol, you're not a troll, trolls are either:

- Big, hairy green things.
- Big, scary things that hide under bridges.
- Nasty girls who spam up message boards and annoy people they don't like because the person they're annoying is more popular than they are on the internetz.

Naww, we're not trolls. It's just our way of having fun. You're who you are... don't let anyones opinions strip that from you, or whatever they say or you think that they're thinking... Finn likes you :D And yeah, why would you play games to attract guys? Most guys who play games are really nasty people, really really patronising towards girls usually.

AoE counts as an RTS - real time strategy. ^^ Yeah I like them as well, along with platformers (I think those are my favourites... they're like adventure games, they all have collectibles and loads to do ... they're always colourful and bright because they're the games that most kiddies play. I think thast why I like them x3)

Everyone has their different interests, y'know... and some girls are gonna be girly girls and wear floaty skirts and high-heels but others are just gonna be a bit more laid-back on that aspect of things.

At least you don't go out and get laid every night. :) There's always something worse - and you're a lovely person, it doesn't matter how people are gonna stereotype you, they're just looking at the outside. They obviously don't know you well enough. Stereo-typers are ... well, pretty much losers lol (that doesn't mean I'm stereotyping... I did say 'pretty much' :3)

So yes, is there anything else up?
Lol, I'm ashamed that none of the girls stuck up for it. Ah, tbh that forum was talking about fangirls mostly, they forgot the minority of girls that just... game. For the fun.

Did people forget the fun?


Blythe said...

If its your way to have fun, go do it.

Lol, you're not a troll, trolls are either:

- Big, hairy green things.
- Big, scary things that hide under bridges.
- Nasty girls who spam up message boards and annoy people they don't like because the person they're annoying is more popular than they are on the internetz.

Naww, we're not trolls. It's just our way of having fun. You're who you are... don't let anyones opinions strip that from you, or whatever they say or you think that they're thinking... Finn likes you :D And yeah, why would you play games to attract guys? Most guys who play games are really nasty people, really really patronising towards girls usually.

AoE counts as an RTS - real time strategy. ^^ Yeah I like them as well, along with platformers (I think those are my favourites... they're like adventure games, they all have collectibles and loads to do ... they're always colourful and bright because they're the games that most kiddies play. I think thast why I like them x3)

Everyone has their different interests, y'know... and some girls are gonna be girly girls and wear floaty skirts and high-heels but others are just gonna be a bit more laid-back on that aspect of things.

At least you don't go out and get laid every night. :) There's always something worse - and you're a lovely person, it doesn't matter how people are gonna stereotype you, they're just looking at the outside. They obviously don't know you well enough. Stereo-typers are ... well, pretty much losers lol (that doesn't mean I'm stereotyping... I did say 'pretty much' :3)

So yes, is there anything else up?
Lol, I'm ashamed that none of the girls stuck up for it. Ah, tbh that forum was talking about fangirls mostly, they forgot the minority of girls that just... game. For the fun.

Did people forget the fun?


Taylor said...

Found this blog while googling for pictures of Gaspard Ulliel.

Being a girl gamer is a little frustrating. I have several other female gamer friends, and while, yes, we do like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, we also grew up with older brothers, so we can rock other games, too. I mean, I spent most of my childhood playing Resident Evil, Silent Hill, etc etc, and I'm pretty sure I can beat any guy who tries at Halo, so what the hell? I still get that blank sort of stare when people come in my house and see that I have more systems than any guy they know.

And I don't even know where I'm going with this. Basically, being a girl gamer sort of sucks.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, being a girl gamer pretty much does suck.

Everyone is surprised to find out your a girl... this is a good reason I keep my microphone off when I'm playing Halo online... but at the same time when you crush them into the ground it is kinda fun to talk and watch their reactions. :)

Final Fantasy I never really got into.. I do like FPS obviously, and I like Grand Theft Auto along with Bioshock, and pretty much any sandbox/roleplay game. And I DO like KH, it's not my fav because it's so short and I like games with a slightly better... storyline.. maybe less button smashing?

I'm a game addict, and I'm also a girl. What's your point? It really annoys me when people assume you're bad just because you're a girl.. but like I said their reactions when you beat them makes it all worthwhile.

Then there's the guys that make dirty comments and you can guess they have no life.

But yeah, just a random person popping in to say that your latest posts about RPing and about games are absolutely hilarious.