Thursday, March 01, 2007

Coursework, and crufts

Yup, it's that time of year again when I'm drowned in work assignments from my subject teachers.

What annoys me is that they have to all set coursework round about the same time, so that I have three lots going on the trot, or one week it's physics the next it's biology and so on. So for this term every week I have some coursework or other to do.I've never really been fond of coursework in all fairness, it's like a huge piece of homework that actually matters if you hand it in or not (not that I ever don't hand in homework you understand, but still). But anyway. It became a life saver last year, otherwise I probably wouldn't have got the grades that I did in some subjects, really a mark booster when your exams didn't go so hot. So I'm busy busy, trying to get it all done and at the same time not being able to bring myself to do it. It's always there at the back of your mind, nagging. Urgh.


On other notes, the first week back at college is going ok. I got my final letter from UCAS the other week, saying that I'd gotten all my offers through, so I popped along to the tracking system and firmly accepted my offer from Manchester (Leeds is my backup incase I don't get the grades or whatever). Whoot ^^ - it's nice to get everything sorted on that front, when other people are still waiting to hear, and for once I'm not the one in that position. I can say 'well, I know where I'm going...' next up will probably be the accomodation form, which I don't have any idea but oh well. :D

I don't mind going to do zoology. I can see it leading to a career on it's own, but that isn't really the point, I didn't get into veterinary, but I know I'm still going to love zoology because hey, it's like my forte ;) and perhaps I'll actually learn something new rather than being asked all the time to tell the whole class about metamorphosis or whatever. Funny, but embarassing since my Biology teacher has finally twigged that I'm the swotty/knowitall in the Biology class. Damn ...

On a different subject, I shall be going to Crufts! ^^ A good friend of mine got two tickets for her birthday, and for some reason she thought of asking me along with her (perhaps because we're both such big animal enthusiasts) so yes, we're going on the hounds and terriers day because that's the one she wanted to go too (not so keen on the terriers, but I will get to see LOTS and LOTS of daxies <3) I'm going to try and get her to take a picture of me with a daxie :3 *cuted out* This is on the 10th, and I'm going to have to go back on the 10th too because I have a guitar competition on the Sunday (music for youth I /think/)So that means I'm going to have to sort out next weekend aswell S: I can imagine Blythe still going to Dad's house, but no Dad visiting for me this time, it's not physically possible o_O.

over and out

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