Saturday, March 17, 2007


Don't you think it's strange how your music tastes change? I do, I mean, when I started becoming properly interested in 'music' (well, what most people call music) I almost exclusively listened to the Chillis. But then as my music tastes broadened, and I began discovering new and brilliant bands/artists, I seemed to grow increasingly bored of the music I used to listen to (well, I found I couldn't listen to the Chillis at all basically)

Anyway, the point of this all is, I was a little taken aback to find myself loading up WMP the other day and not changing track when 'on Mercury' came on. I thought 'hey, I remembered how I loved this song... and I still do.' I guess I've come full circle or something - weird huh?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not totally converted back yet, I still can't stand 'Tear' (the whole song makes me feel ill) and well, quite a few on that whole album still. (Don't get me started on the others) but perhaps I can find my fandomness in them again. *shrug*

On another, slightly different track, I also forgot how much I love the Scissor Sisters. =D Perhaps it's time I started listening to the more cheery side of my music collection. (ok, songs about crystal meth aren't exactly cheery, but they're still upbeat nonetheless)

Take Your Mama ftw <3

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