Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fresher's flu


I feel like death.

One, I still haven't recovered from Karate - my arm, neck and rib muscles are so stiff it makes me feel like an old person. It hurts to cough, it hurts to breathe, it hurts to walk, it hurts just sitting here not doing anything. On top of this I have a fever, I feel drowsy from the pain meds (which aren't working), I have this occasionally really runny nose. I have a banging headache. I dragged myself into lectures, and I dragged myself round town with Cat. (Who is actually like... so riddled with medical problems my little bout of 'cold' isn't even worth mentioning really)

I'm supposed to be going out tomorrow night. I'm so ill it isn't even funny. Nobody else understands proper sympathy, so I'm ranting in this blog. xD

On another note, I'll probably put all my HP fanart I draw on a whim up in this blog. I don't think it's something I want to get associated with on DeviantART

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Return to the way of the open hand

I decided, as it's generally frowned upon if you don't do some sort of sport at university, that I would pick karate back up. The trouble was, as I looked around the various sports groups, the only type of karate they did was shotokan. Shotokan is one of the strictest forms of karate; I learnt freestyle, which is a mixture of traditional karate, ju-jitsu (wrestling), kendo, and general self-defence.

The differences between my style and the style I was about to begin learning became apparent at the beginning of the lesson. As he told us to form lines, I wandered over to a spot at the front, only to be approached by a brown belt who quietly told me I should move to stand over with the black belts. Ok, you may have thought that forming lines according to belt rank was a bit of a no brainer, but in my club it was ok if you just stood anywhere. Generally the rule of thumb was that the senior belts would form a line at the back (black, brown and purple) and the intermediate belts and beginner belts would go to the front. But here we formed strict lines with black belts at the left of the hall, decending in rank to the right.

Another thing; it was all in frikkin' Japanese. So after we had warmed up (my lazy muscles complaining rather loudly as I stretched them for the first time in 2 years), he was asking the black belts to do twice the amount of work than the other belts, but he was asking us to perform moves I knew, but couldn't understand. I was alright, copying other people and thankfully he didn't berate me on my technique (he stopped another 'new' blackbelt; one from shotokan apparently, and one who hadn't, like stopped training like I had) and told her the way she blocked was incorrect.

Anyway, I had fun and I'll definately go back. I'll perhaps join in the beginner's class until I find my feet though. I knew what to do, it was just hard understanding what was being asked.

(Lol, this post was interrupted by a fire alarm. Someone had burnt their toast)

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Zoo Crew

Haha yes, that's what Cat dubbed the group of us that have all seemed to band together. I think she meant the term to encompass all the students who have taken zoology, but I can't see all 27 or so of us getting together every day; there were about ten of us I can envision hanging out on a regular basis.

Lectures started today, I had my first 'physiology' and 'genes and evolution' lectures. Most of it was stuff I'd already covered in A-level, so it wasn't too taxing. Didn't stop me from taking notes though. My work finishing at 2, after finishing off a few things (like collecting a rape alarm, it was free), I headed back to try off and warm up; having been so kindly splashed by a passing car on my way to the roscoe building that morning.

At some point, I will write up my lectures notes, most probably tonight. I know I probably don't need to seeing as once I get hold of my biology notes, they'll suffice. But it's good to get into the habit isn't it?

Also, totally -not- looking forward to the 3hr lab sessions I'm going to have to endure every friday D:

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Free trips

Wednesday and Thursday this week were free trip days organised by the zoology department at Manchester. Man, free trips definately signal awesome department.

Wednesday saw us being taken to Chester Zoo. I've always loved the zoo - least of all because it's a chance to see all those animals I wouldn't ever see; I've barely gone anywhere more exotic than Greece (awesome as it was). Dissapointingly, I never ever see any civets* at the zoo, definately my favourite animal if I had to choose. But I did see a handful of others that I still really like. I guess I'm a little like Finn in the way that, when I see an animal, my mind starts going about how they feed, what they're related to, how they evolved...etc. But yes, firm favourites were the flamingoes, the drowning rhino (joking, she was taking a mud bath), the bat cave (I love bats), and surprisingly, the orangutan called Emma who came to see what we were all doing.

Chester zoo has recently had a new orangutan enclosure, which I highly recommend going to see. It's a vast improvement on the old one - which was little more than a dingy hangar and a little island with a few sad looking climbing frames. Now, you find yourself walking up a sloping track, to enter the building and look -down- into the enclosures. Ropes hang from the ceiling, grass and plants cover the floor, and trees are dotted around. At the far end there is a platform which obviously gives the orangs somewhere 'safe' to sleep. (Orangs build nests in trees for the night; they won't sleep on the ground). Now, this is all well and good, but when one orang swung up on the ropes to perch precariously at the viewing window (with a 20ft or more drop below her) , just to see what this one girl was doing on her phone... well it was something special really.

Conversely the aquarium was somewhat of a let down after having experienced that. But nevertheless I still had a good time; my faveourite parts of the day had to be
1) watching the sea horses - anything hippocampus is so amazing
2) that catfish (yes, the one which was larger than my armspan)
3) the underwater tunnel where you could get up close to sharks

and at the top - the ray pool. Rays are so nice to stroke, they're like wet velvet almost. As soon as I walked over to their tank they started poking their noses out and swimming over to see me. And this got me thinking; did they do this in the wild, or did they actually want the attention like a cat or dog? The latter thought I dismissed - after all, they are only fish. They don't have much in the way of frontal lobes, not exceedingly intelligent imo to 'want' attention. But I asked the man on duty and he said that they actually DO enjoy a backscratch.

Word to the wise; if you're stroking a ray DO NOT stroke them underneath. If your finger happens to go into their mouth, the suction is so great you'll free your finger to find it stripped to the bone. No joking. No exaggerating.


1. Do you like looking at stars?

Love looking at stars. It never ceases to amaze me when you look up on a clear night and the expanse of the sky stretches 360 degrees around you in this gargantuan dome, with pinprick stars glinting - I love finding constellations I know. It's sort of a small obsession with me I guess, no prizes to who I got it from

2. Who do you say "I love you" to?

My Dad, Mum, Sister and Finn

3. Did you say "good night!" to anyone last night?

Yup - mum

4. When is the last time you felt blue?

Kinda when I was missing Finn, he went on holiday for a long, long time.

5. Tell us one of your dreams:

Haha, I had a HP dream the other night. I was a death eater, and I stood by and watched Lucius Malfoy being crucio'd. And I really wanted to help him, but of course I couldn't because I'd get into trouble. =/

Thursday, September 20, 2007

1. Butterbeer or pumpkin juice?

Butterbeer. It sounds so tasty - I imagine it tasting sort of like what you get when you have pancakes and syrup and butter all melted together.

2. What House would you most likely (or want to) be in in Hogwarts?

I think (personally) I'm a Ravenclaw, but most likely I'd be in Hufflepuff :

sorry but that house is so lameass.

3. If you were an animagus, what animal would you turn into?

Hmm... do we have control over animagus forms? I'd probably be something utterly useless like a flamingo. I'd quite like to be a civet, because they are my all time faveourite animals.

Random thought - what if someone's animagus form was a fish? D:

4. What character do you empathize with, or resemble best?

Empathise? Snape totally xD I know what it's like to be ganged up on and bullied like that ... man. Except I didn't become all twisted and bitter about it, I sort of got on with my life. Snape's such a looser but you've gotta love him for it. I mean, his patronus was a doe for crying out loud, that's like he was admitting he knew that Lily was destined for James.

5. What position do you play at Quidditch?

Erm... I'd probably such at Quidditch just like any other sport. But being a beater sounds quite good - I remember being ok at rounders so it's just like that really isn't it?

6. Which teacher is your favorite?

Aww man, there's about four I think are just so awesome. McGonnagol pwns major ass, Quirrel is like... xD awesome and Remus well, he's really cool until he loses said coolness.

7. Any Harry Potter 7 predictions?

I predicted the marauders would die in the reverse order their names appear on the marauders map. For some reason I've always thought this and I don't know why.

I knew that Snape was good - sorry, just too obvious I'm afraid

I didn't think Harry was a Horcrux because it sounded so lame and contrived, but I could understand the reasoning behind it and kinda anticipated that one.

Blah. I thought Hagger was going to die too.

Harry Potter meme

Harry Potter Meme of All Memes by Osaku
WandOak, 12", Phoenix Feather
Best CoursePotions
Worst CourseHerbology
PetGreat Horned Owl
Quidditch JobKeeper
Wizard CandyPumpkin Pasties
Profession After SchoolHogwarts Professor

I'm not a Slytherin D:

*does not want*

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Last day

Before I go to uni S:

Today's been filled with washing, packing, ripping (music onto the laptop), eating (pancakes...mmm) checking (the list)... urgh.

I just want to -go- I don't want all this hassle xD

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Strange happenings on 9/11

Ok, perhaps it was 'just one of those days'. But this has to be one of the strangest things I've ever seen on a public bus before, possibly rivalling the sparkly lady. (Don't ask)

I had a driving lesson today. I have one every Tuesday, but I have to catch the bus into town especially for it. Mad I know; it completely defeats the point (or maybe emphasises it?) of learning to drive. But my driving instructor refuses to come out to pick me up because I live too far away. Anyway, this isn't the interesting point of the story.

Around 1/3 of my journey, between the hospital and thongsbridge, I heard a loud voice exclaim


Of course, I looked up from my metro to see exactly who was making said noise, and why they had not simply pressed the bell like anyone else would. Then again, the sight that greeted me was far from ordinary.

It was a man dressed in an impeccable black two-piece suit, complete with crisp white shirt, black tie and black shades. While this might not have been unusual in itself, when the bus finally stopped, he got stiffly to his feet and walked to the doors in a manner I can only describe as 'mechanical' (seriously, almost exactly how you would imagine a robot to walk). When he reached the doors he stood there for around thirty seconds, before shuffling forwards millimetre by millimetre, again mechanically stepping down from the bus onto the pavement, and carrying on down the road; still walking in that funny way.

First thing that came into my mind?

The matrix has you.

Ok so...

I'm being a really sad person and reading all the HP books through. I said it was something I would do when they all came out, and right now I'm reading Goblet of Fire, but it's slow work.

When I think of the series, I tend to think of the first three books being a kinda 'story' and the last three books kinda being a 'story' and Goblet of fire is just the crummy book in the middle that I don't really have much of a love for.

I mean, IMHO the first three books are all about Harry's introduction into the wizarding world, and him finding out who he is and why he is, where he is (woah... that was a confusing and awful sentence). And the general message of the books is kinda like a child's view of the world

'some adults are bad/annoying, some adults are good/cool. The adults that are cool are the ones that 'let you get away with stuff'. There's some bad stuff happening in the world but it doesn't matter because the grown ups take care of it all'

But the last three books are all about what Harry -does- about his situation. Now that he knows who he is, he set out to do something... about it? And I think the message of the last three books is;

'adults have flaws; even the good ones. The bad ones are bad for a reason, just as the good ones all have skeletons in the closet. There's some bad stuff happening in the world and we can't expect the adults to deal with it by themselves.'

At least, that's the kinda message I got. The fourth book, to me, is just a fun diversion. It's pointless, ok, so Voldemort comes back. SO WHAT. You could have had him coming back in the 3rd book, or at the beginning of the 5th. *shrug* aah well, time to go read through another four chapters of Spew.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Books in Order from Favorite to Least Favorite:
1. Deathly Hallows
2. The Prizoner of Azkaban
3. Half Blood Prince (I know, I said I hated it. I'm allowed to change my opinion!)
4. Philosopher's Stone (Quirrel <3)
5. Order of the Phoenix
6. Goblet of Fire
7. Chamber of Secrets

Number of Times You Have Read the Series:
1. 4ish
2. 3
3. 6 or 7
4. 3
5. 2
6. 2
7. 1

Favorite Chapter from Your Favorite Book:

The Prince's Tale. Oh my god that was -such- a sad chapter. Sorry, it's been over fantarded
over but it's my personal faveourite

Five Favorite Characters:
Lupin, Snape, Quirrell, (I have a thing for male DADA teachers, don't I?) Lucius Malfoy, HAGGER!

Three Least Favorite Characters:
Harry, Hermione, Rufus Scrimgeour

Favorite Member of the Trio:
*twitch* I hate them all ¬¬ ... Ron?

Three Favorite Magical Creatures:
Dragons, Thestrals, Phoenixes

Favorite Family:
x) the Malfoys

Favorite Villain:

Favorite Death Eater:
Bwahaha, Snape.

Favorite Non-Hogwarts Magical Building:
The Burrow?

Favorite Diagon Alley Location:
Ollivanders! =D

Three Favorite Spells:

Three Favorite Potions:
Polyjuice potion
Felix Felicis

Favorite Unforgivable Curse:
Avada Kedavra!

Favorite Department of Mysteries Room:
Has to be the Brain Room. Accio Brain!

Biggest Surprise:
Um... that Hagrid didn't die. And that Lupin and Tonks died...

Biggest Letdown:
Oh so many.
1) Lupin in book 7... enough said.
2) Hermione didn't die
3) Harry didn't die
4) She still managed to write in some crappo Dumbly scene in book 7 even after he'd died

Favorite Mode of Transportation:
HAGGER... I mean Thestral!

Favorite Weasley:
Omfg I think they're all great. ARTHUR!

Favorite Order Member:
Bwahahah Snape. And HAGGER

Favorite pet:
Snape.. no

Hedwig ;-;

One Character You’d Bring Back to Life:
Snape! Actually no... the repercussions would be bad.

Harry; So... you like my eyes do you? *wink wink nudge nudge*

Moment That Will Always Make You Cry:

Urgh. My fave chapter of course! Prince's Tale. :c

Favorite Hogwarts Room:
Dumbly's office.

Favorite Class:
Defence Against the Dark Arts - most of the time it was taught by a hawt teacher.

I kid. It's Care of Magical Creatures


Favorite Teacher:
Grr, toss up between Snape and Lupin. And Hagger.

DADA teacher:
Quirrell, Snape, Lupin?... how does one choose?

Least Favorite Teacher:
Binns D:

Favorite Non-Human Hogwarts Resident:
Firenze x) in my head he's like... Legolas with hooves.

Favorite Hogsmeade Location:

Favorite Triwizard Champion:
omfg... Krum xD monobrow man!

Favorite Triwizard Task:
The lake bit

Which Character You’d Ask to the Yule Ball:
... x)

Which Character You’d Like to Use a Love Potion On:
None of them D:

Which Character You’d Like to Use Veritaserum On:
Snape. Oh the fun xD

How Long You Have Been a HP Fan:
Since I read the third book. Yes it took that long for me to be converted I'll admit! D:

Favorite Wizard Rock Band:
There's only one I can think of.

Number of Midnight Releases You Have Attended:
Craig's faveourite number, just one.

Favorite HP Website:
Um... acciobrain!

Most Ridiculous Potter Theory You’ve Heard:
Snape is bad. (hahaha you fools!)

Character You’re Most Like:
Prolly a mixture of Peeves and Snape, unfortunately. I have biting sarcasm but I'm completely batshit insane with it ¬¬...

House You Think You’d Be Sorted Into:

Your Patronus Would Be A:

To You, Amortentia Would Smell Like:

You’d Use Felix Felicis To:
Win the lottery? D:

The Job You Would Most Like to Try:
x) I'd wanna work in the brain room. Or being a healer, that would be cool.

Which You Would Rather See — a Sequel or a Prequel:
Prequel, something marauders era

The Movies in Order from Favorite to Least Favorite:
1st for the lulz (no dear boi... I'm a wha...what? etc)
then all the others are crudtastic. I hate the 3rd one. ;/

Animagus or Metamorphmagus:

Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans or Chocolate Frogs:
Chocolate Frogs

Black or Lupin:

The hell?
Bringingsexyback!Harry. (Blythe will know what I mean)

Death Eaters or Dumbledore’s Army:
Dumbledore's Army!

Draco or Lucius:
Omfg Blythe you little malfoy traitor you. Everyone knows Lucius is the best.

Durmstrang or Beaubaxtons:
Dumstrang. Beaubaxtons are French! WHY WOULD YOU PICK THEM?!

Floo powder or Broom:

Fred or George: BOTH

Grimmauld Place or The Burrow: The Burrow

Herbology or Care of Magical Creatures: The Latter

Hippogriffs or Thestrals: Thestrals

Invisibility cloak or Pensieve: Pensieve

Mermish or Parselmouth: Mermish ;-;

Occlumency or Legilimency: Occlumency

Peeves or Nearly Headless Nick: NHN forever baby. <3

Peter Pettigrew or Mundungus Fletcher: eww they both make me want to hide. Peter?

Professor Binns or Professor Umbridge: Umbridge, you can't kill Binns (unfortunately)

S.P.E.W or the Inquisitorial Squad: omfg neither.

The Ministry of Magic or Gringotts: Gringotts!

Three Broomsticks or The Leaky Cauldron: Leaky Cauldron

Werewolf or Inferus: Werewolf

Whomping Willow or Flying Ford Anglia: FFA

Yule Ball or Quidditch Championship: Yule Ball!