Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sad story

This week I got talking to Alison, she's from Georgia and I've known her nearly 4 years now (she's 15) but yeah, she's one of the 'americans' who form the group of us that lived in and loved the site X_HogwartsSchool_X, a Harry Potter forum.

It was probably our obsession for about 2 years straight, we all stayed up all night when the new books came out, we had regular msn mass conversation with much craziness and things like that. We all had nicknames based on characters from the books, so hehe, I was Remmy (Remus) and we had Hermy (hermione), Siri (guess that one), Sevvie (snape) etc... anyway, after I hit my GCSE's I got busier, and after that I couldn't talk so much. I'd still post on the forum but I could feel it getting quieter. One day Sev told us all she was leaving for a few months, She lived in India and her dad moved about a lot. But we didn't hear from her until a year later, and when she signed into msn it was her mother.

The last time I heard from her personally was on her deviantart account, but all the same it was a long long time ago. In the meanwhile, fights broke out among us, some of the less regular members to the place decided to make their own forum, and of course, our admin Hermy, being the posessive type, didn't like this one bit. The group ended up splitting into two factions, Hermy and her followers, and the 'rebels' - these groups were subject to change at any time depending on who she favoured (apparently) but nobody knew what was going on, nobody knew who's side they were on or who was on which side and it was all very confusing. This all happened behind my back - I had fallen out of contact with them all over this time, occasionally talking to Alison. She told me every time things were /bad/ and after telling me exactly why, I proceeded to ignore it because I thought, well. Things will sort themselves out. We're all good friends here aren't we?Wrong.Last week I messaged Alison again to check upon how things are doing and discovered that Hermy no longer messages or speaks to anyone, not ever via email. If and when she does, she's very rude and very short with them. I'd noticed things on the actual forum were pretty dire but I hadn't imagined things could ever get this bad. I guess after being left to fester it had just grown and grown.

Siri never contacted anyone, she was getting on with 'real life' (wants to get into the ivies, very clever girl indeed). Alison didn't really know what to do about it all, so after making sure she was ok I proceeded to message Siri. Thankfully I got a reply, and we got talking. After a while she came to the conclusion (and I very much agreed with this) that we were going to drift apart no matter what happened, because the only thing we'd ever had in common was Harry Potter, and after we'd all grown out of it, what was left to hold us together? Jack all - we didn't even know each other's proper names. Well, I did vaguely remember after the first introductions, but you get names wrong after 4 years don't you? After being so close it felt like it had all never happened, we were just a group of strangers scattered across opposite sides of the Atlantic.

And we were growing up - next year would be final finals for two members, and I'd be shipping off to university. Still, I'm going to stay in touch as long as I can with Alison and 'Siri' (can't remember her name anymore) - they're still good friends and we do have things to talk about. It's like meeting people for the first time though, and I think this has to be my strangest, most difficult friendship ever.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


I had the wierdest dream last night.

I remember it first me and this group of say... three other people walking down this road in a deserted street to this building up a flight of metal stairs, at the top was a door. When we got there this young woman answered, but she was very scared and wary. But she invited us in anyway to see these people who had all become paralized from this unknown cause. But they weren't paralized in the sense that they were awake, they were comatose and kept on twitching and moaning. It was sort of like The Tribe in the sense that we were living in a post-apocalypic world and that these people were going to die if we didn't find out the cause of their illness, and a cure soon.

So we left there and headed out into the countryside where these people had come from, we got told they had all said they'd come from this one house where they had been squatting until the 'danger' had passed. It was late at night when we finally reached his huge manor house, and finding it unlocked we all went in and started searching around for anything like rats or... any clues really. When I was looking around I got attacked my this man who held me hostage and started asking me questions about what was going on and why we were here. After a while I was rescued by one of my friends who looked very grim. Her and the man started talking like they had a history, and she said she was responsible for one of the illnesses, and that the other three were something different. One of the sick people was this man's wife who she'd had an affair with and transmitted an infection to him, which he'd passed to her.

For some reason she'd shown symptoms and he'd been ok, but he was going to die faster than her because she'd got the symptoms and that meant you had a better chance to live. That meant that we had to try to save the other three, and the woman told me that she'd been researching into the disease before the apocalypse and found a compound in apples that helped. So I went back alone to the first place, and when I got there instead of the woman carer there was this old old man sitting at a table in a conservatory type thing, with a pile of apples on the table, he was incoherant and I tried to ask him if he'd given the ill people any of the apples. He'd obviously been eating them himself becase he had a half eaten on in one hand, and he had chunks of it in his mouth as he told me he couldn't get them to eat anything, not even if he mashed it up. Two of the ill people had already died and he'd contracted the illness - I had to get out of there quickly if I still wanted some chance of living so I ran out of the building. It was then I felt this sharp pain in my ankle and reaching down I found I'd been bitten my a spider - this was the cause of the paralysis and it wasn't a disease at all. Apples for some reason were the way to fight the toxin in it's bite, but since I'd run so far from the building I couldn't get back and I blacked out. and then I woke up.

It was such a strange dream. :D

Hair cut hair cut hair cut hair cut... and novel writing.

I got my hair cut on Friday, finally! There was quite a bit hacked off so S: I hope I don't look too strange when I get back after 1/2 term. It's all layered now, like I wanted it. So it sort of looks like my hair when I was about 12 - 13 and growing my layers out. Haha. I should have done before and after pictures but by the time I'd remembered, it was all too late.

I've also finally been able to get a hold of my novel document, so that means more writing. There's a lot of random chapters written, and there's a lot of contradictions I need to get rid of, so it's fairly messy. For those of you who don't know the plots basically like this:-

Two twin brothers have inherited a large fortune their father left them. But even their father never found out where the fortune was hidden inside the large family home, it becoming his life's work to find it. So the story is about them trying to work together to find it, but both wanting it all for themselves, and both teaming up against their Father's 'coworker' as they're not entirely sure of his motives after he turns up at the house soon after the funeral. I dunno how interesting people are going to find it, there's quite a lot of supernatural stuff mixed into it (hey, it's me we're talking about here!) but it's fun to write.

On other news, after all the gripes I've had over 1/2 term I guess I'm ok /really/. Yes it has been lonely and I have been pretty low for most of it, but I've found myself again. I know what 'me' is like, which I didn't sort of have these last few months, and helping other unhappy people out over msn or IRL has given me my purpose back (: so I've sort of found my personality again. So I guess I'm ready to tackle life again ^^ *corny* I can't wait to talk to Finn, but he said he's very tired so he'd better get some sleep before he talks to me. I have another story about X_HS_X, but that's for another time. Perhaps later on today. Its dinner time now C:

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I don't mean to be an Emo kid, but...

I'm so lonely. There is nothing to do, and nobody to talk to. I've done something different every day this holiday and it hasn't taken my mind off the fact I live in the middle of nowhere, and not even the glorious internet can take my mind off the fact that I have absolutely no social contact whatsoever. I think I'm beginning to lose my mind over how bored I am.

At least my driving lesson went ok, I got to drive home since it was a 2 hour one, so that was fun because I knew the roads, so the gears and stuff just sort of came naturally, and of course I bombed up the hill. lol. Finn keeps on texting me from Austria, which is nice. I can tell he's enjoying himself because they're so disjointed and interspersed with random words, it only serves two purposes
1) lets me know that he's ok, and that he's happy. which is always a good thing
2) reminds me of my currently crap situation. I wouldn't want him to not text, but every day they seem to get more and more random, and it reminds me of the people in highschool who were like 'look at me, I'm being random!' which I don't know... I won't say anything.

I'm thankful and glad he texts me. End of story. I think I feel so lonely because I can imagine him in the middle of a crowd of loads of people, being really funny and great and everything and everyone laughing and there's me, stuck here, forgotten. Which sucks.

I don't want to talk anymore

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Four legged duck

apparently, there's been a four legged duck been hatched down south; he can walk, and he uses his other two legs as stabiliers. That picture's just what I could find from googling 'four legged duck' but how odd =D.

Nature never ceases to amaze me.

Sad start to the holidays

One of our cats, Mellors died on Wednesday. I'm thinking he just got too old and went in his sleep - when I found him he certainly looked quite peaceful. I'm ok about it, because we were all expecting it would happen soon; he lost a lot of weight very rapidly and just began doing that old 'senile' cat thing where when you left him he just stared into space and didn't move. He was asleep most of the time, but it was still a bit of a surprise when it happened - he looked okish at tea time. Now we only have 3 cats left. And a stinky dog, and a parrot.

Finn's also gone away from the whole holidays on the Ski Trip with college, which they've been planning for like... forever. Though I've been promised lots of post cards and text messages, and I'm looking forward to getting them, it still doesn't stop me from missing him. Some of my other friends have gone too; Phoebe to name just one, and I talk to her quite a bit. Apart from that, I had a friend round for dinner last night and we had quite a good time, she wanted to watch anime so I leant her Howl's moving castle after we didn't quite finish it (from the spirited away maker, based on a novel which I've also read) and we watched Vampire Hunter D, which she loved. I'll be doing a few things over the holiday, mainly going to leeds with Nathalie on Sunday to shop for hippy clothes for August and then on Friday I'm having my hair cut. Not rivetingly interesting (yes I made that word up), but I guess atm not much is happening. =)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snowed in and valentines day

Wow, I guess I'm only just getting round to posting this now. But what a weekend. On Friday, Finn had been invited to a friend's 18th - and since he had previously turned down an invite, he felt he couldn't really turn Alex down a second time. Though Finn didn't really fancy going on his own, so I offered to come with. I had also been invited but well, it wasn't really my thing ^^ (so really, I was just going so that Finn wouldn't be stuck there on his own)

So we went, and it was really snowy. The buses were having trouble getting up the hill to Holme at 5:30, so I doubted I was going to be able to get up there at 11 o'clock at night. But anyway, I got a free lift down into town, and I was allowed to crash at Finn's for a while until we could get a bus into town. We stayed at the party for an hour or so. It was what Alex had described as a 'posh bar' - and it was ok I guess, the highlight of the evening was when Amelia set her hair on fire. There were tea-lights set on the back of the setee, and she happened to lean back and... well - I imagine you can guess the rest. But we left quite early, and even then all but one taxi firm had stopped running, and many of the buses were only running direct to places. I realised that the Holme bus hadn't a chance in hell to get back, so we caught the next to last (parkhead) bus.

And I ended up staying the night at Finn's. ^^


On another note - happy valentines day everyone ^^

Lots of people today had Roses, even my friend Liz in Physics, her boyfriend had got her a bag full of stuff. And if you're thinking this is headed down the 'well I didn't get anything route' - you'd be wrong =)I didn't want a present, and I don't like roses. I'd told Finn I didn't want anything for Valentines day, just that I wanted to spend some time with him ^^ so after college (we left at lunchtime 'cos it's a Wednesday and wohoo Scrabble club was cancelled!) we walked down to Sainsburies and bought some Gu. After that we sat on a bench and ate it while watching the pidgeons and talking about mutations and random things like that. Ok so not your typical Valentines day, but I preferred what we did to going out for a meal etc. (I like origional activities) and ok, the mother laughed at me because yes she got the boring old 12 roses and she was all traditional and things. But I don't care =D I had a great time. (We went home after that and played Guild Wars for the rest of the evening. Best Valentines day Ever.)

Friday, February 09, 2007


This week went so slowly, and because I was doing my Physics coursework, and playing on GW, I haven't really had anything exciting to write about in my journal. Today was interesting though, as on Fridays a few of us get together to play poker.

As usual I was hanging in by a thread for most of the game, sometimes James would get a little too cocky and raise by loads when actually, I had better cards than he did (It's funny to see his face when he realises I've beaten him - mwahahah!). Then at the end I won about three times then decided enough was enough and withdrew.

I was a little dissapointed with it all this week because of several things;

1) it was a little rowdier and people seemed to be messing about more than usual. Which to be fair, I do too, but it was far worse this week, it wasn't really 'fun'.
2) people seemed more ruthless. Ok, I know poker is a ruthless game, but up until now it was how Finn had told me it would be; fun. This week everyone seemed hellbent on winning, and deploying really twisted strategies - clearly a few of the more avid fans of the game wanted to get ahead of everyone else, which perhaps spoilt it a little for me.
3) The people who come in later than everyone else really don't stand a chance; by then the blinds have gone up more than they can afford - and people are getting more picky about when you can leave and things, which isn't really fair because we all work to different schedules.

Still, if it's better next week I'll keep playing. If it's the same perhaps I will consider dropping out. I like poker a lot, but not when all the fun gets sucked out of it ^^

(I won my last hand - high straight incase anyone wonders)