Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sad start to the holidays

One of our cats, Mellors died on Wednesday. I'm thinking he just got too old and went in his sleep - when I found him he certainly looked quite peaceful. I'm ok about it, because we were all expecting it would happen soon; he lost a lot of weight very rapidly and just began doing that old 'senile' cat thing where when you left him he just stared into space and didn't move. He was asleep most of the time, but it was still a bit of a surprise when it happened - he looked okish at tea time. Now we only have 3 cats left. And a stinky dog, and a parrot.

Finn's also gone away from the whole holidays on the Ski Trip with college, which they've been planning for like... forever. Though I've been promised lots of post cards and text messages, and I'm looking forward to getting them, it still doesn't stop me from missing him. Some of my other friends have gone too; Phoebe to name just one, and I talk to her quite a bit. Apart from that, I had a friend round for dinner last night and we had quite a good time, she wanted to watch anime so I leant her Howl's moving castle after we didn't quite finish it (from the spirited away maker, based on a novel which I've also read) and we watched Vampire Hunter D, which she loved. I'll be doing a few things over the holiday, mainly going to leeds with Nathalie on Sunday to shop for hippy clothes for August and then on Friday I'm having my hair cut. Not rivetingly interesting (yes I made that word up), but I guess atm not much is happening. =)

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