Saturday, February 24, 2007


I had the wierdest dream last night.

I remember it first me and this group of say... three other people walking down this road in a deserted street to this building up a flight of metal stairs, at the top was a door. When we got there this young woman answered, but she was very scared and wary. But she invited us in anyway to see these people who had all become paralized from this unknown cause. But they weren't paralized in the sense that they were awake, they were comatose and kept on twitching and moaning. It was sort of like The Tribe in the sense that we were living in a post-apocalypic world and that these people were going to die if we didn't find out the cause of their illness, and a cure soon.

So we left there and headed out into the countryside where these people had come from, we got told they had all said they'd come from this one house where they had been squatting until the 'danger' had passed. It was late at night when we finally reached his huge manor house, and finding it unlocked we all went in and started searching around for anything like rats or... any clues really. When I was looking around I got attacked my this man who held me hostage and started asking me questions about what was going on and why we were here. After a while I was rescued by one of my friends who looked very grim. Her and the man started talking like they had a history, and she said she was responsible for one of the illnesses, and that the other three were something different. One of the sick people was this man's wife who she'd had an affair with and transmitted an infection to him, which he'd passed to her.

For some reason she'd shown symptoms and he'd been ok, but he was going to die faster than her because she'd got the symptoms and that meant you had a better chance to live. That meant that we had to try to save the other three, and the woman told me that she'd been researching into the disease before the apocalypse and found a compound in apples that helped. So I went back alone to the first place, and when I got there instead of the woman carer there was this old old man sitting at a table in a conservatory type thing, with a pile of apples on the table, he was incoherant and I tried to ask him if he'd given the ill people any of the apples. He'd obviously been eating them himself becase he had a half eaten on in one hand, and he had chunks of it in his mouth as he told me he couldn't get them to eat anything, not even if he mashed it up. Two of the ill people had already died and he'd contracted the illness - I had to get out of there quickly if I still wanted some chance of living so I ran out of the building. It was then I felt this sharp pain in my ankle and reaching down I found I'd been bitten my a spider - this was the cause of the paralysis and it wasn't a disease at all. Apples for some reason were the way to fight the toxin in it's bite, but since I'd run so far from the building I couldn't get back and I blacked out. and then I woke up.

It was such a strange dream. :D

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