Friday, February 09, 2007


This week went so slowly, and because I was doing my Physics coursework, and playing on GW, I haven't really had anything exciting to write about in my journal. Today was interesting though, as on Fridays a few of us get together to play poker.

As usual I was hanging in by a thread for most of the game, sometimes James would get a little too cocky and raise by loads when actually, I had better cards than he did (It's funny to see his face when he realises I've beaten him - mwahahah!). Then at the end I won about three times then decided enough was enough and withdrew.

I was a little dissapointed with it all this week because of several things;

1) it was a little rowdier and people seemed to be messing about more than usual. Which to be fair, I do too, but it was far worse this week, it wasn't really 'fun'.
2) people seemed more ruthless. Ok, I know poker is a ruthless game, but up until now it was how Finn had told me it would be; fun. This week everyone seemed hellbent on winning, and deploying really twisted strategies - clearly a few of the more avid fans of the game wanted to get ahead of everyone else, which perhaps spoilt it a little for me.
3) The people who come in later than everyone else really don't stand a chance; by then the blinds have gone up more than they can afford - and people are getting more picky about when you can leave and things, which isn't really fair because we all work to different schedules.

Still, if it's better next week I'll keep playing. If it's the same perhaps I will consider dropping out. I like poker a lot, but not when all the fun gets sucked out of it ^^

(I won my last hand - high straight incase anyone wonders)

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