Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Demons of Procrastination

No, of course I'm not avoiding doing my coursework *whistles*. But when you have inspiration, your motivation to do work plummets like anything. I don't want to be typing up my physics coursework right now, I want to be creating my new race I thought up the other day.

An old friend of mine had an analogy to go with this feeling, since she had always (and still does to my knowledge) wanted to write and publish a novel. I still ask her how her writing goes from time to time, but she was one of those who didn't like sharing her work until the whole thing was finished. Which could have been years in her case. Eventually she finished a novel and sent it round to a few people, but... well. Let's just say I only struggled through the first couple of pages out of loyalty, but after gently hinting (and it was very gently mind) that dialogue ought to have been intersperced with a little more description, and that punctuation was pretty important (so that your sentences didn't run on like this one and go on for ever and if you were reading it aloud your breath would be failing right about now and you'd end up sounding like a dying vaccuum cleaner you get the picture the end amen), she decided to scrap the entire thing. I believe she is writing a second attempt at a novel, but, y'know. Hats off to her; it's something I haven't managed to do.

Anyway, she had this analogy. As your inspiration increases, you school work production tends to decrease, and vice versa. I think this is actually pretty accurate (she even drew me a graph so that the scientific bit of my mind could comprehend it), I mean, I never feel like working when my mind is so full of other ideas. I don't want to loose them, and so I waste time writing them down when I could be doing 'useful' work.

This leads me onto another point, this time insightful. I have always been a highly imaginative person; I love creating, but these days instead of playing pretend or drawing pictures I have to channel this energy into more 'acceptible, adult' forms. (Or else just be classed as weird, which happens anyway I suppose). So hence I find myself writing music, writing stories, daydreaming too much and wishing there was an easier way to capture my ideas instead of having to write it all down in boring black and white text. Once on paper, my once brilliant ideas just seem so stupid I never do anything else with them.

Enough said I suppose, another post about nothing in particular. Just a ramble and a waste of time :)

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