Sunday, April 08, 2007

A Musing

With all the recent Heroes doohicky, there was an interesting question posed over the dinner table last night. So I thought I would put it up here :)

If you had a super hero 'power' - which power do you think you would have?

Now there is one word in that phrase that is important. Not what would you like to have, what do you think you would have. As in, which power do you think best suits your personality.

So we all began assigning powers to each other, and my sister Blythe came up with the fact that she'd have super strength. I agree with her; she's outgoing and strong mentally, so I think that power suits her very well. That and possibly the super-jump ability. ;D

We also eventually came up with Technopathy for dad. (Even though he has this secret desire to be Telekinetic) Technopathy is basically where you manipulate machines, like... say you can access the internet without a computer or make cash come out of the cash machine without a credit card or PIN.

Nikki said she'd probably have a good, but useless power, probably like being able to speak any language she heard. I don't believe that, I think she would probably have something really cool, like being able to pick up traces of people's memories by touching objects or something.

Me? I couldn't think of what my power would be, but Dad firmly insisted I would be an Empath. I guess it suits me, I do tend to act like the people I'm around a little. Ok well, a lot :)

So, my readers - what power do you think you would posess? I'm interested :D

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