Tuesday, April 10, 2007

God awful fanfiction

Ok, so I've always been a little against the whole idea of fanfiction. For me the only purpose it serves is for a quick bunch of giggles, and boy have I found some funny things over the years.

Recently I was intruiged - 'oh boy, what could they have possibly done to heroes' kind of intruiged, and going to that godawful place fanfiction.net, I discovered something really funny.

You see, they like to write characters from the book/movie/show in relationships, and sometimes the writers will show the relationship with a slash, a small x or... my personal faveourite, smooshing the two names together to make a new, funnier name. The latter is decidedly prominent for some reason when it comes down to Heroes fanfiction, with hilarious results (well, me and my sister found them funny)

My faveourite monstrosities include

Plaire (Peter and Claire. Did anyone ever point out to these people that this counts as incest?)

Mohindlar (Mohinder and Sylar, on another note. Nobody should ever describe an indian person as tasting like curry. It's just too amusing)

Clikki (I can even begin to describe why I find this funny, every time I write it I can't help but giggle. It's Claire and Niki for those of you who couldn't figure it out)

Cleter (Peter, Claude... oh god)

But yeah. This is another random journal designed to curb my ever impending boredom.

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