Sunday, April 08, 2007


Wow - what can I say? Well first off, I guess I've been waiting for something like this to come along for a long long time, something I could really get hooked on and obsess over; a properly good, well written TV series.

At first I was a bit worried, I'd hyped myself up over the past couple of days, but there was this niggling doubt in the back of my mind. What if I didn't like it? What if it failed to deliver? I had spoken to a couple of people about it and they had been a bit... not excited - it wasn't anything special. It was more about the 'feelings' than the actual powers they'd told me. And after the first episode, I wasn't completely converted either. I have to admit that now, however, I'm completely and utterly in love with the thing. Ok, ok, I'll stop raving. I'll give you the low down on how I feel about each character, good and bad. I'll try not to post spoilers either.

Claire Bennet - (Spontaneous Regeneration)
I'm very mixed about this character, and what I like about her is the fact that she hasn't taken over the whole series and become the focus. Which sort of says volumes on how much I actually like her. If we compare Claire to Wolverine, it'll make it easier - Wolverine was never a main character until the movies took over and made the whole sodding series about him. Claire had that potential too, and for a few episodes I was a bit concerned. It hasn't turned into an all singing, all dancing Claire-fest though thankfully.

Niki/Jessica Sanders - (Super strength through alter ego)
I don't have any clear cut reason to like this character. But the fact is I think she's awesome. It's not exactly funny when she talks with her 'alter ego' gollum-esque style, it's just sort of intruiging. I like the fact that her power isn't linear; she only has the super strength when her alter ego takes over, and most of the time she acts like a crazy woman. But she's very Jekyll and Hyde, good person who can't help doing bad things, and I just can't help but feel sorry for her :D definately one of my faveourites.

Hiro Nakamura - (Ability to bend space and time)
Which of course leads to interesting results, teleportation, time travel, and time manipulation. I really wanted to hate this character, I usually do despise the comic relief. The fact that he was Japanese comic relief aswell, well that just set the alarm bells ringing in my head; from the outset he sounded like the annoying character from an anime you just want to kill. Problem is, I just can't bring myself to (hate him that is). They got the comedy just right - he isn't always doing stupid things, slapstick manner, he's just... ace.

Isaac Mendez - (Precognition)
I'm laughing internally at myself while I'm writing this one. Everytime I see Isaac doing his whole precognition thing, I think 'he's really cool'. Every damned time. I'm unsure however, if he qualifies to be one of my faveourites, because his personality is a bit flat, his personal story just a little too cliché. However, I like him because his power is the mechanism that introduces some of the little twists into the plotline, and I like how his power expresses itself in the form of the pictures that he paints. He's on the better side of the 'unsure' pile when it comes to how much I like him, he just doesn't quite cut it to be up there at the top because I feel that he could be so much more cooler.

Peter Petrelli - (Empath/Power mimicry)
I put a slash in his power doo-dah because in the series someone called him an 'Empath', but I always thought that meant you could sense how others were feeling. But in a nutshell, he's basically a power mimic-er. He is one of my faveourites though, because without including spoilers, suffice it to say he's interesting. I don't like how the series is making him appear the most important character right about now though.

Nathan Petrelli - (Flight)
Bah. The character you just love to hate. I hate him, he's a bastard xD. But before I move onto the next character, there's a valid point I'd like to make about the powers in general. None of them are linear, i.e. apparently obvious how much there is to each power, there are always little extras these people can do with their powers that they continue to discover which I like. Also, none of them have total control over the power, and while some of them learn to control it better, they don't have full control over it. The thing I don't like about Nathan is that a) his power is so boring compared to the rest of them, and b) although he doesn't often use it, he sure has good control over it. That annoys me no end.

Matt Parkman - (Telepathy)
Wikipedia tells us the power is Telepathy, Matt says he can 'hear people's thoughts'. Which stopped me connecting what his power actually was for ages and ages. Silly me. Yeah, I like this character, and he's involved in some interested bits of the story, but like Isaac I think his parts are sometimes a little boring. Not however, because his character is boring, just because most of the time he's doing boring things.

D.L. Hawkins - (Phasing)
Hehe it's a male version of Kitty Pryde. Yeah, he's kind of annoying and boring again. And I haven't got much to say about him because he reminds me of a rapper. And he hasn't had much to do with it all apart from being involved in the Niki storyline, plus he's a weakling. ¬.¬

And I'm not going to do anything on Micah. So according to Wiki, they are the main characters (with powers). I like some of the other people in it, but they're aren't as important. :) so ... go watch it and see what ever the hell I'm on about ^^

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