Friday, April 06, 2007

Easter Holidays

Well, after much griping about the fact that 'everyone apart from us' had broken up for Easter already, here we are. Boy am I glad to be 'away from it all' too - over the next couple 'days I'll be writing to you from sunny Manchester, having been shipped over to my dads house. There's two main things I'm most excited about in this Holiday. GuildWars, and the TV line up.

I love spring, we see the return of House (series 3) and Dr who ('new' series 3) - basically the only two things I can honestly say I follow on the television, as I'm more a 'infront of computer' type gal, I never can mind much to watch on Tv. But, since Finn introduced me to House I've been hooked, and Dr.Who? Well, lets just say being a fan runs in the family.

After being a little annoyed at missing the first episode of Doctor Who last week (due to a number of things, but mainly due to forgetting entirely), I finally caught up with it last night. My main first impressions were that of being well... impressed :) I think that finally, I'm getting accustomed to the fact that David Tennant is our 'new' Doctor, and new assistant Martha isn't as terrible as I thought she might be, heck, I even quite like her. But that's all down to good writing, the first episode into our new series was pure brilliance. Exactly what I look for in DrWho - I'm hoping it carries on like this. More on DrWho later on this week.

The new series of House started off well - we saw the man himself back on two legs, running, being actually happy for once after the season finale last series where Cuddy put him under treatment to cure the whole leg thing. But after only three episodes I don't get why we've had to go back to square one. Hopefully it'll all unfold as the series progresses, but it's beginning to get on my nerves just a little - what is with all this 'let's not allow House to have his own way because he's better now, oh look he's going down hill lets let him behave as he did before with all the crazyness'. It's as if the writers thought they were going to lose House's character by having him fixed, and got scared, so they put him back into the whole 'grumpy old cripple' act again. Hmm. Another thing that irks me is that, while she didn't before, Cameron is actually annoying. Before she did 'good ethics', now it just seems out of selfishness and 'hey I wanna hog the limelight'. Still gotta love the way Chase is crap though ;D

One more thing in brief - there have been some really cool GuildWars updates recently. But I'll talk about those later ;)

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